Hi everyone My name is Freak. I am a millypede (it meas 10000000 legs) and i live in a big box with lots of dirts.
My favret food is cucuber and my least fav food is carrots because carrots are yucky.
I live with lots of isopods and sping tales. they are my friends.
I think isopod means 10 legs but I dont know.I like leafs, dirts, peases of wood, barks, and rocks and dinasors.
springtels get on my legs wile i sleep that’s why I have dinosors.
I also like red bellpeper and to eat moss and woods. I think the springtales also like to eat moss and woods and cumcumber.
I have 10000 legs and i have 2 antennas. I have an exoseklette that is purppe. i get lots of calciums from the dirt and the rocKs.
i lick dirt becuase it has minrals it helps to grow up and get bigger and morelarge. that Is all i hav to say and ByE i like you.
P. S. I love when you write coment or eamil and I will not bite you thank very much (pleas dont tell isopops about this they will problie get me in big truble and eat my skin ok bye isopods eat skin when their big ok ok bye